Description: I never realized this, but more of my 1988 guys are incomplete than any other year of figures I've collected.
Stats: Views: 1003 Filesize: 388.12kB Height: 800 Width: 1200 Keywords: SpearheadMaxWindmill Posted by: Nekoman July 05, 2022, 06:16:53 PM
August 02, 2022, 12:59:26 AMI love Spearhead, including that goofy giant rifle of his, but I do like Topside's gun with him, for some reason the grey really goes well with the orange and tan.
July 26, 2022, 11:08:02 PMGreat shot. The topside gun is an improvement.
Spearhead is figure I've never really given a chance; he just looks so off compared to his contemporaries. I've wanted to make custom verson of him but have yet to get around to it. I even found him a better bobcat.
July 10, 2022, 02:40:48 AMHe looks good with the Topside gun. Spearhead's real rifle looks cool. But, it always looks awkward when posed with him. I think the butt is too short which makes it look distorted.