Description: "Like the day the Norman knights took the field at Hastings! -- And the Saxon King, Harold, was laid low... By an arrow!" *thakkk*
Stats: Views: 2102 Filesize: 201.26kB Height: 750 Width: 1000 Keywords: HISS_TankSerpentorDr_Mindbender Posted by: Nekoman June 01, 2021, 12:51:18 AM
June 27, 2021, 04:00:37 PMTremendous shot! I really like the posing, especially on Mindbender, since he almost looks like he's thinking how the hell to save his hide!
June 01, 2021, 02:48:33 PMThat death scene is perfect, with poetic justice since Serpy was on the other side of the arrow originally! But, was William ever brought up before that issue as a contributor to Serpy's DNA? In retrospect, if I'd been placing bets in 1986 about how he would die, it would've been an "et tu, Brutus?" situation.