COBRA Operatives |
Description: General Liederkranz posted a cool photo, that made me decide to share this one that I took a month ago
Stats: Views: 2288 Filesize: 247.99kB Height: 667 Width: 1000 Keywords: Baroness HISS Zartan COBRA Posted by: R.T.G. October 24, 2020, 02:36:32 AM
Total Likes: 3
Comments (3)
| October 25, 2020, 01:48:58 AM Great shot Ian, I like the depth here, and the peering around the corner perspective. Zartan looks particularly good.
I do regret never getting any of those red mask troopers when they were available. |
Mike T.
| October 24, 2020, 06:59:34 AM I love those BM troopers with the red highlights. All of mine, though, had crappy o-rings and legs that flailed out. Kind of soured me on them. I think I still have 1 or 2 that are still in their sealed baggies. I wish he's revist these and the Stinger Troopers in the same colors.
Zartan and the Baroness kind of work together. |
General Liederkranz
| October 24, 2020, 03:16:09 AM Great shot! That DTC HISS looks good, I've never done anything with it but I should. And nice weapons choice for Zartan and "Chameleon." His body langauge signals a lot more self-confidence than in my pciture! |