Theme Week: Favourite Factory Customs |
Description: Are these guys my real favorites? Not sure, but I'll admit, they're my guilty pleasures. The Night Force colors seem out of place on Cobras, and some people might find the hammer a sickle a bit corny, but for me it's classic Black Major and has a lot of appeal just for looking nice, more so than being something that fills an odd collecting niche. Plus, I figure Cobra probably has a lot of appeal to zealous, color-revolution types who are more obsessed with some kind of psychotic LARP than any kind of practical political viewpoint.
Stats: Views: 518 Filesize: 475.06kB Height: 800 Width: 1200 Keywords: TBM Snow_Serpent Posted by: Nekoman May 29, 2024, 06:27:53 PM
Total Likes: 0
Comments (4)
| June 01, 2024, 04:19:48 PM Thanks everyone!
I really like this set up and figure. The rock in the background looks great, homemade?
Yes sir! It's some castings from the Woodland Scenics molds with some insulation foam mixed in. |
| May 31, 2024, 07:45:26 PM These look cool. The soviet ones could fit right in with Oktober Guard after a headswap. I never did end up getting any of these snow serpents when they were available. Most of the color schemes just didn't appeal to me at the time. |
| May 31, 2024, 12:10:50 AM I really like this set up and figure. The rock in the background looks great, homemade?
I think that Factory Customs are a lot of fun, but they're also not really figures that can be pegged as an "actual" favourite. |
Mike T.
| May 30, 2024, 02:15:52 AM This figure should not work at all. But, it does. I do love that there are figures like this out there.
I wish I had one of those old black CG's with the sickle. Again, no reason for it to exist. But, for some reason, it works. |