October 06, 2024, 07:49:49 PM
Hello Guest


More Survival Girl
Description: It's unseasonably warm here, now.  So, on an unrelated note, I did a completely hilljack thing this weekend and burned all the dead winter plants in my front gardens.  Just lit them on fire and let it burn in front of the house.  I heard firetrucks at one point and thought my neighbor ratted me out.  But, now, we'll see how the gardens come back since they're cleared of a lot of the debris from the last 2 years.

And, I did do some research that said that burning was actually a preferred method of removing the dead stalks to have a healthier plant in  the spring.
Views: 5787
Filesize: 996.13kB
Height: 931 Width: 957
Keywords: Survival Girl Funskool Snake Eyes Black Major 
Posted by: Mike T. March 05, 2024, 04:13:36 PM

Total Likes: 1

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March 07, 2024, 08:29:11 PM
Fire! Fire! Fire! I hope the weather's good for photos as it warms up. Spring photos always look a lot different, usually better than summer ones to me.

The marble pattern on her pants makes me think of a female Big Brawler. Almost makes me wish she had black hair and pasty pale skin.

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