February 09, 2025, 08:41:25 PM
Hello Guest


Description: Hasbro pretty much killed my resurgent Star Wars interest this year.  I couldn't find a thing at retail after Christmas.  Their inability to figure out what figures to sell and which to skip is just baffling.  While I had high hopes for the return of the vintage collection next year, I now think it's pretty much DOA with the first wave pegwarming so badly that if any other waves get out, they'll be impossible to find.
Views: 4420
Filesize: 1.22MB
Height: 977 Width: 1208
Keywords: Admiral Raddus 
Posted by: Mike T. August 28, 2017, 04:19:52 AM

Total Likes: 1

Comments (4)

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October 11, 2017, 11:12:27 PM
Quote from: Cobra Freak
I really have no interest in Star Wars anymore. I still like collecting Storm Troopers and Clone's but, the new stuff just seems soulless to me. I really don't like the 5 POA figures, it turned me off completely from the franchise.

Soulless is right.  I've completely lost my passion for star wars. Between hasbro's mistakes with the brand and then the disney takeover I'm done.
Cobra Freak
Posts: 14

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October 11, 2017, 12:14:14 AM
I really have no interest in Star Wars anymore. I still like collecting Storm Troopers and Clone's but, the new stuff just seems soulless to me. I really don't like the 5 POA figures, it turned me off completely from the franchise.
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August 28, 2017, 11:47:30 PM
Yup! TVC is bound to be dead on arrival since we'll be getting TFA repacks that no one wants. I think this whole year I've only bought a dozen Star Wars items, most of which were dirt cheap clearance finds.

Still hoping I'll come across a Raddus soon. I've heard some figures are shipping out to Ollies so I might check there this week.
Bouncy Bengal
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August 28, 2017, 11:43:54 PM
Yeap....Admiral Raddus' expression pretty much sums it up.

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