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General Discussion / Re: Factory Custom News Thread
« Last post by A-Man on February 26, 2021, 10:36:38 PM »
Yeah, I finally saw his post.

Some people think he's getting shut down by a cease and desist order. But...if that were so, that's the sort of thing that would be immediate.

Maybe the hassle and/or cost of making them is getting too high?
General Discussion / Re: Factory Custom News Thread
« Last post by Nekoman on February 20, 2021, 07:44:17 AM »
From the sounds of it, I think he's cancelled almost everything and won't be making anything after some more BATS and Segies? I just heard that today, so I'm not sure.

With that said, I probably wouldn't have bought any Jinx or Beachhead repaints. There's enough of Beachhead out there, meanwhile I just don't like the Jinx mold all that much.

I get the feeling Joe collecting is going to get a lot more boring.
General Discussion / Re: Factory Custom News Thread
« Last post by A-Man on February 19, 2021, 06:58:52 PM »
Why is BM making Jinx and Beach-Head?  I mean, if I had his resources...Jinx might cross my mind eventually, if only to remake DeSimone's custom as "real" figures, but I can't imagine doing too much with Beach-Head's molds. Though IIRC Beach-Head's design started out as a Cobra,  Cobra repaints of Joe molds can only go so far. And there were already official Tiger Force and Night Force releases.
Will Red Laser ever return? What's next Tunnel Rat?  Why do I comment on factory customs I never buy? Because...not much else to talk about. I never see the 4" "Retro" stuff in stores.

Why am I posting on a forum only slightly more used than Joedios forum.
General Discussion / Re: Factory Custom News Thread
« Last post by A-Man on November 19, 2020, 02:26:42 AM »
Why the flying fudge did Black Major reuse Roadblock V2's waist for his recent Snake-Eyes/Officer/Mortal/Invasor/Whatever customs? WHY REPEAT HASBRO'S IDIOCY?

I'm not gonna ask him. No reason can make sense.
General Discussion / Re: So, What's Up With the Joe World?
« Last post by scarrviper on August 14, 2020, 08:28:37 PM »
I'm out of touch with the aftermarket but what is worth the high bids on this lot?

Not the Flak Viper, not unless newbie collectors are idiots.
Maybe the CC has the eyebrows painted? Damned if I can tell for sure.

Good grief, that's insane.  What a weird lot too.

I noticed the vintage prices were jacked up at the local toy store when I was there last week.  I have no idea what idiots would pay these prices.
General Discussion / Re: So, What's Up With the Joe World?
« Last post by A-Man on August 14, 2020, 02:28:53 PM »
I'm out of touch with the aftermarket but what is worth the high bids on this lot?

Not the Flak Viper, not unless newbie collectors are idiots.
Maybe the CC has the eyebrows painted? Damned if I can tell for sure.
General Discussion / Re: Factory Custom News Thread
« Last post by R.T.G. on June 04, 2020, 10:55:52 PM »
Interesting new wrinkle today.  One of RL's defenders accused BM of stealing molds from competitors.  Understanding timing and the fact that BM released a lot of small run stuff that wasn't highly publicized is tough for them.  And, the BM made an updated Cobra Trooper mold since the old one had issue.  But, hey, why let facts get in the way....

Haha, I figured this would become more along these lines at some point. The complete silence on other producers (Or former producers) was pretty blatant.

If the "stealing" of molds is less physical and more "GODDAMNIT HE'S USING OCCIFER PARTS! WE WERE GUNNA DO THAT!", well that's a glass house, considering TBM was upfront he was going to be doing the Steel Brigade, and welp, here's a guy doing Tiger Force, Night Force and Sky Patrol Steel Brigades!
General Discussion / Re: Factory Custom News Thread
« Last post by Mike T. on June 03, 2020, 11:18:51 PM »
Interesting new wrinkle today.  One of RL's defenders accused BM of stealing molds from competitors.  Understanding timing and the fact that BM released a lot of small run stuff that wasn't highly publicized is tough for them.  And, the BM made an updated Cobra Trooper mold since the old one had issue.  But, hey, why let facts get in the way....
General Discussion / Re: Factory Custom News Thread
« Last post by Mike T. on May 28, 2020, 11:39:21 PM »
I'd be pissed if they used my photos, too.  That's bullshit.  Here's photos by fans of BM, but BM actually sucks.  The only place my photos have ever been stolen in 20 years is on Facebook.  Guys there take them all the time.  But, they post them with no credit.  It's not malicious.  But, seeing as I'm about to post a month's worth of rarities photos that aren't mine, I don't wade into those waters too much.
General Discussion / Re: Factory Custom News Thread
« Last post by Nekoman on May 28, 2020, 02:24:03 AM »
Well, the ARAH Gallery must have the pulse on the Joe Community!

Yo Joe's facebook group did some strange and poorly timed commentary on the "State of affairs". Specifically in regards to The Black Major, it was pretty tone-deaf and reads like a decision to try and get TBM into trouble, while wrapping it in a "Reproduction figures harm the average collector who don't know any better!"

They also used some of Nekoman's photos (without credit, I'm assuming)

I just checked this out and now my blood's boiling. Yes, they flat out stole my shots with no credit, whatsoever, and used them in a post shitting on TBM on top of all of that!

Imagine trying to make a point about how bootlegs hurt "new collectors that don't know any better!", by stealing photos from a website much newer than yours, that gets much less traffic, and giving no credit to your audience that go figure- doesn't know any better. These clowns are rich!
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