Description: "Take them to the Arena of Sport!" Sunbow Cobra Commander is the absolute star of the Pulse line. Every choice made was the right one, and there's no real flaws to hold him back like Sunbow Duke. He perfectly blends the Sunbow look and the classic figure into something special. He fits well with classic figures, yet you can always instantly hear Chris Latta's voice when you look at the figure.
(Normally, I have a custom head by Luke's Toy Box on Cobra Commander and a Comic Pack 23 head on Duke, but in order to best fit the Target Range I swapped them both back for this photo.)
Stats: Views: 686 Filesize: 1.07MB Height: 2086 Width: 3773 Keywords: CobraCommanderDukeSnakeEyesFireflyStormShadowCobra Posted by: SnowCat September 21, 2024, 02:35:22 PM