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General Discussion / Re: Factory Custom News Thread
« Last post by R.T.G. on May 16, 2020, 03:25:04 PM »
I'm an idiot but I really like those overly ornate Invasors he's doing!

I have nothing negative to say about TBM as a person, he's always been solid with me. Some of the things he does strikes me as self-preservation, which I honestly can't fault him for. 

In regards to that guy contacting Hasbro, I always figured TBM was close to getting burned on that YEARS ago. He'd gotten far in the whole Storm Shadow custom, and then pretty much went dark for a couple years. Since it was close time wise to that 2nd Live Action G.I. Joe movie, I always figured there was probably a connection.
General Discussion / Re: So, What's Up With the Joe World?
« Last post by R.T.G. on May 16, 2020, 03:15:45 PM »
I did a little bit of watching back in February where I noticed a lot of stupidly priced auctions weren't selling. The figure I chose as the litmus test was the Steel Brigade, because it's a popular R@RE army builder, that also has Black Major and Red Laser versions that were going for too much as well. A lot of Steel Brigade figures were not selling at $80+, so I figured there was going to be a gradual decrease in prices, with it probably hitting prices that were still too high, but not as STOOPID as they'd been.

I think the stir craziness of the lockdown and some of the credit card/mortgage/rent relief as well the stimulus has kind of propped up the current G.I. Joe market. I think what's really going to be the barometer is July when a lot of the relief expires and all of a sudden reality is going assert itself once again. There's also been people spouting off the theory that "Collectables always retain their value or go up in times of crisis".

There's definitely a softening to the market though, as The Black Major didn't manage to meet his latest pre-sale goal. They were pretty steeply priced figures mind you. I'm feeling a little rueful about buying some of them, not based on the price, but more so the fact that the US/China Cold War is probably the hottest it's been, in the last 8 years. I have a feeling the Trade War of the last couple is what killed off Red Laser as a viable Factory Custom producer, I'm hoping this year isn't going to be a repeat.


General Discussion / Re: So, What's Up With the Joe World?
« Last post by Nekoman on May 15, 2020, 07:16:31 PM »
Yeah, the market's been crazy and seems to only get crazier.

Personally, I speculate that we're not seeing a crash/sell-off because the demographic for Joe collectors, especially old vintage collectors, hasn't been greatly affected by the economic pain of the lock down. What's more, there's probably a decent pool of people who got stimulus money and are spending it on Joes, like how tax-return season always causes a spike in prices. Might see things cool off closer to July, unless another round of stimulus goes out.
General Discussion / So, What's Up With the Joe World?
« Last post by Mike T. on May 14, 2020, 11:15:39 PM »
Any of you guys been following online pricing, lately?  I have kind of stopped for a bit.  But, I keep seeing stupid prices on common figures like BATs, Vipers and even Spirit.  I figured we were at the end of the line of insane pricing.  And, there were tons of the "high end collector" types selling dupes of rare figs in early April, trying to cash in ahead of a market crash.  But, that hasn't happened, yet.  Which is...surprising...considering what's all going on.
General Discussion / Re: Factory Custom News Thread
« Last post by Mike T. on May 14, 2020, 04:52:45 AM »
He jumps around from a variety of accounts.  I've never really understood why he sells under three or four different ones.  Never checked to see if paypals are the same.

He got real jittery after a guy made waves on Facebook contacting Hasbro and, ultimately, getting BM permanently suspended from Facebook.  So, it's probably just paranoia on his part.
General Discussion / Re: Factory Custom News Thread
« Last post by A-Man on May 05, 2020, 06:18:06 PM »
Anyone ever get booted from  following Black Major instagram  with no explanation?

I dunno about these people who are only on instagram to sell things.
General Discussion / Re: Factory Custom News Thread
« Last post by Mike T. on October 15, 2019, 05:07:32 AM »
I don't like having to go to three different sellers to get the three repaints I want.  But, at this point, I'll take anything.

Was never a Snow Serpent fan.  But, some of these are really nice.
General Discussion / Re: Factory Custom News Thread
« Last post by scarrviper on September 26, 2019, 11:26:33 PM »
I'm so far out of the loop when it comes to these factory customs these days.  Cool to see the snow serpent mold get some use.
General Discussion / Re: Factory Custom News Thread
« Last post by R.T.G. on September 24, 2019, 01:03:29 AM »
They look cool, though the distribution method on this group isn't really my cup of tea! Nice to see Snow Serpents get made!
General Discussion / Factory Custom News Thread
« Last post by Nekoman on September 10, 2019, 08:31:36 PM »
Since we have forums here, I thought it could be a decent way to compile information and discuss figure news, which is hard to do on the socials.

So Black Major's latest customs are Snow Serpents, they look pretty good.
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