September 21, 2024, 12:56:56 AM
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Hunting Heads
Views: 3754
Filesize: 1.07MB
Height: 2145 Width: 1961
Keywords: headhunters sure fire DEF 
Posted by: dragonfortress August 28, 2017, 02:09:32 AM

Total Likes: 1

Comments (7)

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September 13, 2017, 11:33:10 PM
Always been a headhunter fan.

Surefire's not a bad figure, it's cool to see the def shockwave body in realistic colors, a shame it was used for a lame over the top character
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August 29, 2017, 04:07:26 AM
Quote from: R.T.G.
Nice set and figures! The DEF guys were some of the better 90s sculpts, nothing too outlandish! Also good to see you're trying new things with your dio shots!

Also this photo reminds me I still need to mail you that '88 Shockwave!

DEF is a good subset. But I love Eco Warriors, so what do I know? And whenever you get around to sending Shockwave, I'll take the least-crappy photo of him I can!
Quote from: foxwingpilot
That's a great urban set & some ideal figures to populate it.

Hey, thanks!
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The avatar's from the gallery are off the hook!

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August 29, 2017, 02:43:59 AM
Nice set and figures! The DEF guys were some of the better 90s sculpts, nothing too outlandish! Also good to see you're trying new things with your dio shots!

Also this photo reminds me I still need to mail you that '88 Shockwave!
Bouncy Bengal
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August 28, 2017, 11:31:57 PM
That's a great urban set & some ideal figures to populate it.
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August 28, 2017, 06:12:23 PM
Quote from: Mike T.
There's nothing they could do to that imposter that he doesn't deserve.

Hah! I like him okay, though he may be less of an "impostor" if you put this version's head on the green version. DEF Shockwave is one of my all time favorites, but I bought this dude as either a body donor for when my childhood one just can't stand any more, or just for a generic militarized cop for the Headhunters to pick on.
Quote from: Nekoman
Hahah, indeed! The illuminated window is a nice touch there too, DF!

Thanks! That was the toughest part of the shot, but I finally got one where it looked like there was a light source back there. I'm a rank amateur, so these things don't come easy to me. But trying more ambitious things is fun, even if you fail.
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August 28, 2017, 03:17:22 AM
Quote from: Mike T.
There's nothing they could do to that imposter that he doesn't deserve.

Hahah, indeed! The illuminated window is a nice touch there too, DF!
Mike T.
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August 28, 2017, 03:09:57 AM
There's nothing they could do to that imposter that he doesn't deserve.

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