Theme Week - Scrap Iron |
Description: One thing Scrap Iron and Firefly agree on: Copperhead isn't their boss.
Stats: Views: 522 Filesize: 484.23kB Height: 800 Width: 1200 Keywords: Firefly Scrap_Iron Copperhead Posted by: Nekoman August 23, 2024, 05:31:44 PM
Total Likes: 0
Comments (5)
| September 05, 2024, 07:15:07 PM Thanks guys!
This is fantastic! I love the overturned chair, it's such a nice touch!
It's funny, I saw a picture of a Tower of Doom on fb the other day and idly wondered how it would look with Joes. You've answered that question!
Yeah, a bunch of other guys used to use it too. Outrider I think was the first, but Dreadnok Dred and Scarrviper I think both got some good uses out of it. If you can find one cheap I highly recommend it.
Nicely posed. The blue on that scrap iron looks flawless.
Great use of the tower of doom, and that map board.
Hehehe, I was hoping someone would comment on Scrappy's blue. Him and Firefly both have some yellowing, but I've learned a good method for removing it digitally. When I get the chance I want to make a guide so you guys can have more fun with your yellowed figures again.  |
| August 26, 2024, 02:39:34 PM This is fantastic! I love the overturned chair, it's such a nice touch!
It's funny, I saw a picture of a Tower of Doom on fb the other day and idly wondered how it would look with Joes. You've answered that question! |
| August 25, 2024, 12:09:30 AM Nicely posed. The blue on that scrap iron looks flawless.
Great use of the tower of doom, and that map board. |
General Liederkranz
| August 24, 2024, 02:40:50 AM I love this setup and the drama! and it's nice to see a lineup of characters from the same year. |
Mike T.
| August 24, 2024, 01:01:49 AM Man, you see three such differently colored figures blending together so well and you realize that the vintage Hasbro guys did know a thing or two about color theory.
The setting looks like a swamp shack. So, Copperhead is a perfect candidate for owning it. |