Description: One of those extremely cool, and also extremely nerve-wracking vehicles now. The flip-out rocket pod likes to get stuck and feels like it's going to break on this one.
Stats: Views: 5961 Filesize: 455.2kB Height: 800 Width: 1200 Keywords: 1990Cobra_ViperCobra_Rage Posted by: Nekoman March 19, 2024, 05:22:04 AM
April 30, 2024, 01:50:18 PMI like matching it up with 86 Vipers. It makes me think of the Benzheen story line in the comics.
If it's any comfort, I've had my Rage since 1990 and the rocket pod has often gotten stuck but never broken. Of course the plastic was never as old as it is now...
April 24, 2024, 04:17:27 PMA vehicle I always wanted but would often put off for another day, well it never came and if it's getting fragile, I doubt I'll ever get one.