Description: Scrap Iron attempts to blow up some Tin Platoons in an unconventional way.
Stats: Views: 2448 Filesize: 1.34MB Height: 1205 Width: 1459 Keywords: 2004UrbanStrikeScrapIronSteelBrigadeCobraTrooperBlackMajor Posted by: Mike T. July 04, 2021, 03:41:17 PM
July 30, 2021, 02:27:08 PMHahahaha, I love the whole set up here. 2004 Scrap Iron is a fun figure, who fits in with vintage, better than a lot of the repaint era.
July 08, 2021, 07:42:17 AMHaha, I used to pose him like this when I got my first Scrap Iron years ago. Why couldn't every figure from the repaint era be as useful as this figure?