Horrors of War |
Description: Grunt struggles to deal with what he's done.
Stats: Views: 2019 Filesize: 1.02MB Height: 1174 Width: 1146 Keywords: 1991 Grunt 1993 Flak Viper Posted by: Mike T. March 10, 2021, 06:23:43 PM
Total Likes: 1
Comments (5)
| March 20, 2021, 02:27:26 PM Really nice shot. The 91 Grunt does nothing for me, as he's not very coherently designed. |
Mike T.
| March 13, 2021, 09:29:09 PM
Nice location.
1991 Grunt is an odd one, he's one of those figures that I never really understood what the designers were going for. The colors don't help, plus that headsculpt. A shame he never got a repaint to redeem the mold in some way. I've seen customizers try to save the mold over the years. But, the weird proportions and terrible head just don't work that well. The Funskool version is actually better because the bright colors do seem a bit better for such an odd design. |
| March 13, 2021, 03:34:23 PM Nice location.
1991 Grunt is an odd one, he's one of those figures that I never really understood what the designers were going for. The colors don't help, plus that headsculpt. A shame he never got a repaint to redeem the mold in some way. |
General Liederkranz
| March 13, 2021, 02:53:54 AM A grim plotline. After all the Joes have seen they should snap more often. I'm surprised the bodies are so intact given the size of his gun! I remember this figure being in the second wave of 1991, and while I loved the helmet, the weird outfit and the paltry accessories started to shake my faith in the line for the first time. The first wave of 91s, like Dusty, Red Star, CGI, and Big Ben, had accessories as good as the 89s and 90s but Grunt was clearly all about the missile launcher, with that dumb gun as an afterthought. |
| March 11, 2021, 09:38:36 AM The location and depth look really nice here. Also really neat to see this Grunt used in a serious context! I've thought about using this figure every now and then, but usually all I can think of is ideas that poke fun at his expression. |