Description: Late in the summer I had some fun playing around with fake water scenes. think I owe RTG for some indirect inspiration for this one--after I took it, I realized that the idea of Wet-Suit leaping in his full gear probably got stuck in my head from his pic of Wet-Suit tackling an Eel (I think it was?) on the Hydro-Sled.
Stats: Views: 5412 Filesize: 1.05MB Height: 3132 Width: 4698 Keywords: MorayHydrofoilDevilfishWet-SuitDestroShipwreckLampreys Posted by: General Liederkranz November 17, 2023, 05:56:56 PM
January 02, 2024, 07:10:27 PMI like this shot a lot! Good group of figures being used. Only thing I dislike about this, is it is really making me want to buy a Hydrofoil.